Exclusive Independent Living

Nestled amidst rolling hills and lush forests, Monarch Southbury offers a charming small-town lifestyle with big-city amenities. Located off Main Street, residents enjoy access to a large shopping center, fantastic restaurants, and abundant entertainment. Experience first-rate amenities and personalized care in our tight-knit community at Monarch Southbury.

Services & Amenities

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Pub, private dining & courtyard

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Fitness center for classes & activities

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The Stone Library & Lounge 

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On-site physicians & medication administration

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Elegant hair salon on-site

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Wellness consultants and lifestyle curators

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Emergency response technology

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Housekeeping, concierge, and daily living assistance

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Pet accommodations

Unleash Your Inner Foodie

Our meals are thoughtfully prepared to ensure optimal health and well-being. With a focus on creating a welcoming dining atmosphere, residents can come together, share stories, and create lasting memories while enjoying our incredible food.